This is a record of the thoughts and experiences of my rather half-baked plan to go to South Korea

“In the After-life…” The Squirrel Nut Zippers

DSC03506A Thought for Today –

–            Taking each day one at a time…  You know it is really hard to do that.  We never really seem to be able to disassociate one day from the rest, yesterday and tomorrow.  There is always something looming up ahead or something nagging from behind.  But, you know as much as we sometimes would really want that, I think life would be pretty boring if you never had to worry about anything.

We wish for the blandness, the peaceful monotony, of, perhaps, a dull desk job when we are faced with chaotic days, that 20-page research paper in college that you should have started 3 weeks ago, or something like not knowing when you wake up if you are going to have to spend 12 hours dealing with applications, contracts, education boards, and Korean consulates.

On the other hand, how many people stuck in dull jobs wish for the chaos and the fast pace of the college days once more.  I think that maybe this just boils down to the fact that we want what we don’t have and grow tired of what we do.  Shame on us.

–            Talk about discontentment…   I found myself complaining today that I have lost so much weight that none of my pants fit anymore.  What a thing to complain about.   Then again, perhaps it is more reasonable when you realize that I don’t have money right now to buy more and I am moving to a country where it might be more than a little difficult to find pants with 34 inch inseams.  Yeah.  Nothing like walking around with 3 inches of material bunched around your crotch.

By the way, if you are wondering about the title of the post it was the song playing in my head when I had to enter a title.  Oh what fun,  you’ll have to guess who wrote it next time.

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