This is a record of the thoughts and experiences of my rather half-baked plan to go to South Korea

“Don’t Wait Too Long…”

P9181452–     Meet the evil cat, Schnimpel.  I think that is how you spell his name, although I don’t know why it should matter since I think it is made up anyway.  He is the most vile, sycophantic animal I ever met, a true toad-eater.  He stares at you, disdainfully for the most part, while at others in a very considering way.  You know that old saying about the difference between dogs and cats? “…if a cat were bigger he would eat you.”  Well, the way he looks at you it feels more like if he were bigger he might just kill you for the pleasure of it.

He ignores you mostly, unless he wants petting and then only on his terms.  He doesn’t care how much it might inconvenience you.  More, he wants very specific spots rubbed.  Deviate but a little from the accepted strokes and he will bite you as punishment.  This of course takes place while he is sitting on your chest, his butt inches from your nose and his tail lashing you in the face.

One of the most annoying things though is his obsequious nature.  Like I said, he ignores you mostly.  That is, however, until you are in the kitchen cooking or eating something he might like.  Then he persistently rubs himself all over your legs in the most loving and false manner, meowing piteously at the same time.  (Hmm…  Though I wonder sometimes if  this might be just a way to disguise a devious and cunning attempt at tripping you while you are carrying a knife.)  At other times, when you are trying to enjoy a nice dinner.  He sits next to you staring imperiously, and meowing piercingly, until he elicits some sort response.  There is no ignoring him.  He will meow constantly until you attend him.  Lately, the response from me has been to throw him out the door.  This, however, doesn’t really solve the problem.  It just relocates to where his meows are muffled slightly by the door.  Still, it is more bearable and I never did like giving in under pressure.


–        Here is another photo.  One of the things I have been doing here for fun is building this.  Aunt Debra had a lot of scrap wood and stuff in her garage.  One day when I was out there poking around and thinking about trying to impose some order out there I had a desire, a craving more like, to build something.  I must say that it is turning out nicer than I thought being made from nothing but scraps and leftovers and with very limited tools.  I don’t even have a tape measure.

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