This is a record of the thoughts and experiences of my rather half-baked plan to go to South Korea

My First Meal in My Room


Yes, room not apartment, I don’t think I could bring myself to call this an apartment.  It is slightly bigger than my dorm-room in college with Kitchen cabinets and a sink stuck against one wall and a tiny bathroom.  Well, I think it might still qualify as a bathroom, but I think the European word Water-Closet is much more apt.  I never really thought it made sense until now.  It is the size of a large closet with a toilet and a shower spigot.  The entire water-closet gets soaked when I take a shower and I can’t use the toilet for hours afterwards.  But that’s enough on the “bathroom.”

I saw these pictures tonight in my iPhoto and I thought I would put something up about my apartment.  I have changed things around a little since I took these you still can see what the place sort of looks like.

So, here is what the place looks like. It's bright, sterile white.

It was a little sad when I first got here.  I didn’t take a picture of the way that the things were set up but it looked pretty terrible.  It is somewhat better now but even still.

There is a little balcony  thing outside where I have my table as you will see below.  Now that it has gotten so cold I don’t even use that area but perhaps to dry clothes.  Tonight, however, I actually have the drying rack inside becuase it is so cold out there that it takes days for the clothes to dry.


Cooking my first Meal. If you can see the sink makes no sense for an apartment or kitchen area this size. I think I could probably bathe in it.


So, my first meal in my apt. I sautéed pork strips with some kind of spicy chile past and the strangest mushrooms I have ever seen. It is really good and have made it several times. DK is like Sprite.


My tiny table.




One response

  1. Lene

    I think it was a good idea to take a bath in the sink 😉

    It looks like you have a good time in South Korea! And I just wanted to tell you that I try to follow you’re blog as often as I can!

    Love, Lene

    November 29, 2009 at 9:45 AM

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